Alcohol Addiction
Welcome to ADBR Rehab’s Alcohol Addiction program. Many of our clients who attend ADBR’s program come due to their alcohol or drinking issues. The clients come from all over the country and from all age groups. ADBR offers a safe and comfortable environment to address this issue and overcome the challenges associated. Some clients require a basic alcohol detox and some just a few days sleep aide to help them settle in and others need medical help to settle in. Alcohol affects the central nervous system and acts as a depressant like many sedative medications. It releases Endorphins in the brain with an opiate like effect, triggering a pain response and a euphoric buzz. It also relieves anxiety, and it can disinhibit behavior, thereby helping with social interaction and performance. Drinking alcohol daily over the time creates a physical dependency, and this is a serious problem. However, it is possible to be an alcoholic without being physically dependent. Bingeing is a highly destructive pattern of drinking, affecting one’s health and endangering self and others. Alcoholism and addiction are now recognised to be a brain dysfunction caused by the changes that occur in parts of the brain as a result of either prolonged alcohol use and/or pre-existing brain chemistry imbalance, particularly with the neural transmitter dopamine. This leads to distorted thinking or unhealthy choices in order to self-medicate your difficulties.